This is my core therapeutic model, where it all started for me. This approach anchors me in any therapeutic encounter, where you can expect from me: congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathy. It’s about your worth, connections and potential.
It’s the model most people might be familiar with. CBT is a great way to map out how thoughts, feelings, behaviours and physiological responses develop and repeat in unhelpful ways. It’s a constructive approach to changing moods and actions.
A cousin of CBT, where we start from a place of accepting that life is challenging and that sh*t happens. ACT uses values as an alternative framework in guiding our intentional, meaningful actions. We work with accepting distress, being present and letting go of millstones of the past.
Everyone says you have to 'be kind' to yourself, but it can edge into toxic positivity and meaninglessness. Compassion is training ourselves in practicing growth, forgiveness and the development of wisdom. We can't choose how we were born, but we can choose how we live and die.